My heart burns for you my Love ... my soul's longs for you My Savior, with all my strength I want to love you My King My heart desire..I turn to you, run to you, I stay close to you and I don't what to leave you side...When I call for you . you answer me.. when I need you . you always be here......My heart burns for you, with pure passion, for you are my God, my Savior my Husband and my friend.Everything about you makes my heart week for you, I melt away in Your pressens in Your love that You have for me, for I Love you so much..
Everything You do I love it, everything You say I love it, Even if i don't understand and it hurts sometimes, I Love it any way I what to surrender to you with all and my everything...I what to Riley on you in everything, So Let your Will be done in my Life oh Lord.
For I give you everything of me, MY heart my soul... my all to you.
For You Jesus is my treasure my secret passion in my heart..It only for you I'm bloom.
So Even if I live or Die I do it for you, oh Lord !
My Love is yours Jesus