He is calling to me to arise. He is calls me His Love,His fair one.He woos me to come away for the winter is past and over, to arise from the cave of hibernation where a deep work of dying to self hes kept me hidden from His presence where a metamorphosis has been taking place. But lo, in the midst of this separation I hear Him call my name.... "Arise, my love and come away" I taken my flight where new life awaits me, where everything is budding, flowers appear out of the cold dead earth, birds are mating and bringing forth new life, and every living thing is reproducing its self.It is a call to resurrection life. Open your eyes to beauty, to love, to hope, joy and peace.Take my Hand He says and come with me. Adventure waits, and We shall climb the greatest heights together. And I will teach you My ways and you will do My acts.
We are One.